Butler Institute – Painting Time and Place

March 16 – May 4, 2008
Curated by Margo L. Jacobs


Butler_sign400The Butler Institute of American Art exhibited over seventy paintings and a sixty-four page catalog was published.  The Butler, "America's Museum," is most certainly a highly regarded venue and Lloyd's descendents were honored to have such a presence there.

John Lloyd's association with the Butler goes back decades as he participated regularly in important painting surveys curated by the Institute.

DSC00073For this retrospective, the Butler dedicated one of their choice exhibit halls, an entire skylighted perimeter mezzanine.  The combination of the selected Lloyd pieces along with the venue was truly awe-inspiring resulting in a very successful display.
The Lloyd paintings were loaned to the museum by private collections, along with "Snow in Summer," part of the permanent collection by The Butler.

Two people who greatly influenced the outcome of the exhibit were Dr. Louis A. Zona, Director and Chief Curator of the Butler, and Ms. Margo L. Jacobs, Guest Curator, who aptly named the show and catalog,"Painting Time and Place."  Dr. Zona's opening statement is available for reading by Clicking Here.  

Ms. Jacobs went on to produce superior curatorial results, and wrote a wonderful essay chronicalizing John Lloyd's life as an artist, his impressive exhibition history, and his many other accomplishments.  The complete essay is available by Clicking Here.

Of specific note, the American Art Review recently acknowledged Lloyd's talent by publishing Margo Jacobs' essay in their April 2008 issue along with prints of Lloyd's paintings.  It is available for purchase direction from the American Art Review (see VOLUME TWENTY NUMBER 2 – MARCH-APRIL 2008).

Exhibit Media

butler_vid_linkA high-resolution video was created and put into DVD format, in an attempt to capture the sentimental impressionism expressed in Lloyd's work.  The video in no way replaces the awe and emotion of viewing the artwork at the exhibit, but rather gives the viewer an idea of the scope, quality, and significance of the exhibit, the paintings, and the Butler as a world-class venue.

Click image at right to view the movie and get more information on the DVD.

book_cover300A collection of 51 glossy prints of Lloyd's paintings, was created and compiled into a book format, and was made available at the Lloyd's exhibit at the Butler Institute of American Art.  Not all of these paintings were displayed at the Butler exhibit.  The catalog also includes an introduction and acknowledgements by Dr. Louis Zona, Director and Chief Curator of the Butler; a Remembrance by John Boop, great-grand nephew of John L. Lloyd; and a thorough recollection of John L. Lloyd's life, chronology, and achievements by Margo L. Jacobs, Guest Curator for the Lloyd exhibit.

Click image at right to get more information on the catalog.